Feb 12, 2018
But today I will help you to find a different way to propose a girl. Every girl needs dream propose. The first thing to keep in mind at the time of proposing a girl is those don’t overdo your proposal, keep it simple and sweet.
- Wait for Special Day.
Yes, wait for a special day and Valentine is the best day to propose a girl. Usually, all guy preferred Valentine Day because it is a romance filled day. There are many days like Christmas, New Year Party Eve and more.
Pick that day which you both love most and go for it. But I personally preferred to choose a casual day to look extraordinary. The day, which you choose for, propose to make a moment of love and propose her.
Go for Dinner.
The classic way to propose a girl is to go for candlelight dinner. A candle is best elements of a romantic evening.
Order her favorite food for dinner. Play romantic song, switch off the light and make the perfect moment and propose her.
- Make a Banner.
You can get a banner prepared with the word I Love You and have it displayed outside her home or in the cafe where you usually meet. It is advised that you do not use her real name on the banner, but use the endearment that you generally use to call her
Also, try to write a small and sweet note on that banner that’s sound pretty good. It will definitely move her and get embossed on her memory for a lifetime.
If it is possible for you and you can afford it, have your proposal written on the sky. You can contact the skywriting company and have it arranged when the two of you are together.
Skywriting is somewhat risky but it is the best and beautiful way to propose a girl.
But from starting, I am trying to tell you that don’t directly propose! Befriend her! Treat her nicely! Make her feel special! Get her to know you and then propose her by saying that you love her and you should be given at least one chance to prove how good you are and how much you love her!