Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Animal slaughter ban by Tharu community

Kanchanpur, Jan 22, 2018

The Tharu community of Pipladi of Shuklaphanta Municipality-3 in Kanchanpur has decided to ban animal slaughter during religious ceremonies.

The Tharu people of Pipladi who gathered here today to discuss the Maghi festival rituals agreed to discontinue the tradition of animal slaughter during puja/ worship citing that such inhumane practice had helped promote cruelness and violence in the society.

The gathering decided to stop the tradition of sacrificing hens, pigs, sheep, goats, and ducks on the occasions of the Hareri, Nikasi, Deshbandhya, Asari, and Hori worships, the rituals of Tharus said a local Tharu leader  Narendra Prasad Chaudhary. Animal sacrifice is being practiced during the worships of 18 deities of the Tharu community, but onwards this tradition will be stopped and in place of the animal, coconut balls, and fruits will be used.

The Tharu people conduct a puja in the group to pay homage to their deities and the decision to ban animal slaughter will be followed by all the members of the community, he added. “No Hindu religious texts and scriptures have recommended animal sacrifice to make deity (is) happy and the practice taking place in the name of making divine power happy must be stopped,” he asserted.

Likewise, the meeting has prohibited the haphazard use of plastic bags in the village, citing its negative impact on the environment and on agricultural production.


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