Are Karishma, Nischal and Sara also in ‘Jatrai Jatra’? Photo fetcher

03 March 2019, Kathmandu

‘Jatrai Jatra’ is an upcoming Nepalese drama, comedy, and crime movie, directed and written by Pradeep Bhattarai.

The film is produced by Singe Lama Yadav Poudel and Rabindra Singh Baniya. The film stars Bipin Karki, Dayahang Rai, Rabindar Singh Baniya, Rabindra Jha and Barsha Raut in the lead roles.  Beside that the evergreen actress Karishma Manandhar, director Nishal Basnet and heroine Sarah Shipilly also appear as gust character.

The film is the sequel and follows up of Jatra released on 2016. The folk songs ‘Maya Pirim’ of the movie ‘Jatrai Jatra’ have been shading. In the song, the film’s main protagonist Bipin Karki and Barsha Raut have been starring with Karishma Manandhar, Nishal Basnet and Sara Sherpaili.

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