January 18, 2018
A Cambodian woman rides her overloaded motorcycle transporting four people along a street in Phnom Penh on January 18, 2018.
Cambodia is still as much a country of carts, motorcycles, and pedestrians as one of cars and trucks. In both the cities and the countryside many get around in carts with a capacity if 20 or so people that are pulled by motorcycles.
Hundreds of motorscooters swarm the streets of Phnom Penh. Many of them are Honda Dream machines and Suzuki. Many drivers carry passengers and talk on their cell phones at the same time. Motorcycles carry entire families and a large variety of goods. Cambodia’s motorcycle market is expected to grow from about 100,000 units in 2006 to 350,000 units in 2015.
Bicycles are piled with firewood, roots, and greens. Motorcycles carry live pigs In the cities men who lost their legs to land mines ride around on wheeled platforms with hand cranks.