Saturday, September 7th, 2024

‘Double headed’ Snakes which price is 25 crores

Feb 16

Red sand boa Commonly known as the ‘two-headed snake’ because of its blunt tail that resembles a head, the red sand boa has been a favorite with smugglers as the reptiles fetch a lot of money.

The price of this snake is about to 25 crores in international market. The snake becomes more valuable due to many rituals according to different religion

The two-headed red sand boa is believed to good luck charm and is used during black magic rituals in India. It is also of medicinal value in some Asian countries.

Buyers believe these bring good luck, virility and protection from enemies. These snakes are also smuggled out to countries like Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, and China. International markets fetch greater value for the smugglers than local ones

Smuggling of the snakes is rampant as it is believed that they can confer supernatural powers, or that the iridium content in the snakes has the power to cure chronic diseases. In some Gulf countries, it is believed that the blood of the snake has aphrodisiac properties while other extracts are used in cosmetics.

Earlier they were easily available in sandy areas. They hide their whole body in the sand and just stick their head out. Now they are a rare and protected species (because of the trafficking), but it is easy to catch them in the monsoons as they are in hibernation.

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