22 January 2021, Kathmandu
Gum Bahadaur Lamichhane of Lamjung-Ghanapokhara who has been identifying himself as the brother of the Non-Resident Nepali Association’s former president and billionaire nepali businessman Shesh Ghale is proved as a fraud cheated on judge wife, chinese spouse businessperson including the banks and co-operatives.
Many evidences have proved that huge amount of cheque has been issued by taking few money despite of being zero balance in the account of bank and cooperatives since years. Having conversations on crore, issuing cheque as per that to others but residing in simple flat- Lamichhane has been able to cheat on hundreds of people identifying him as the nearest to former royal family and other leaders of different political parties.
Now, chinese spouse businessperson has become the victim of his cheating. Lamichhane identifying him as Shesh Ghale’s brother has shared regarding the foreign investment to the chinese spouse where the couple was planning to hold business by investing in Nepal.
‘Foreigners cannot invest directly in Nepal and cannot buy immovable property’ saying so Lamichhane made the spouse to buy a house on the way to Grandi Hospital, Tokha road near Samakhusi chowk by investing 6 crore and 50 lakhs.
He also succeeded to earn 1 crore and 10 lakhs as commission and able to pass that house in his name. Though he made promiss to Chinese spouse to handover their house after one week but has not fulfill his promise yet as it has already been two years.
By depositing that house, Lamichhane has withdrawn around two crore credit from the central finanace of Kupandole but has made excuses to chinese spouse time and again.
Lamichhane who is habituated to buy new car and take relaxation has also cheated others by saying that grass factory operated by the chinese businessperson in Chitwan belongs to him.
He has withdrawn two crore from Civil bank and fulfilled that amount as credit to Central Finance in last week. He also tried to withdraw four crore from the bank and because he was suspected, now Kathmandu district court has halted in the business.
Lamichhane based on the citizenship achieved from Lamjung district administration office in the year 2049 BS has made third copy until 2067 BS. It has been proved that he used each copy for new place, purpose and business.
Observing the business, Lamichhane has been taken in blacklist number 10730, 10708, 10684 and 3919 by Loan Information Centre. As per that number, he has been still kept in the blacklist from 2068 BS Bhadra 16 to 2076 BS Shrawan month. But in between, how did he make banking business has become the mystery.
Among three cheques of Sidhartha bank recently made, two cheques were made for coming chaitra 28 and rest one for poush 28. These cheques were filled with 95 lakhs, 1 crore 94 lakhs, and 2 crore but the account is zero.
He has also cheated on Sailungeshwor pragatishil saving and credit Co-operative, Chhetrapati in case of his jeep he used to drive. He has not paid any checkmate and the information provided by the cooperatives to pay the loan within 7 days expiry date also proved that Lamichhane is a fraud.
Police source has shared that Lamichhane who was also put behind the bars and experienced captive under cheating issue has also cheated to many people taking advantage of Shesh Ghale name. After taking bill, he has again involved him in such business.
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