Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Indo-Nepal border disputes should be managed by international practices

Kathmandu, Jan 24, 2018

The concerned experts have stated that the Indo-Nepal border disputes should be managed following the international practice and principles.

The director general of the Survey Department Ganesh Prasad Bhatta today has opined for resolving the border disputes following the international border principles.

Speaking in a programme organized to present a report on ‘border encroachment by Indian sides’ jointly prepared by the All Nepal National Free Students’ Union (ANNFSU) and (All Nepal National Independent Students’ Union-Revolutionary (ANNISU-R) here in the capital, Bhatta said so.


Both student organizations had prepared the report reaching Chhapkaiya of Parsa district where Nepalese territory was found encroached upon by the Indian sides.

Similarly, border expert Buddhi Narayan Shrestha opined for resolving border disputes by maintaining the geographical integrity and national independence.


Similarly, speaking in the programme CPN (UML) leader Thakur Gaire and CPN (Maoist Centre) leader Lekh Nath Neupane stressed on the permanent solution of border disputes.

The ANNFSU chair Nabina Lama and ANNISU chair Ranjit Tamang also opined for resolving the border disputes scientifically and permanently.


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