NCP strongly disapproves road construction by India in Lipulekh

10 May 2020, Kathmandu

The ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) has said that its serious attention has been drawn to the ‘inauguration’ by India of Link Road to Lipulekh Pass of Nepal via Nepali territory.

Issuing a statement on Saturday, NCP Chairman duo KP Sharma Oli and Pushpa Kamal Dahal said that it is the view of the party that this action has undermined Nepal’s sovereignty.

“It is deplorable that this development has taken place at a time when the entire humanity is faced with an unprecedented health crisis in the wake of coronavirus and all our efforts are concentrated on fighting against this pandemic,” reads the statement.

The ruling party has called for immediate halting of road construction work in that area by India and urges it to refrain from taking any activity that will further complicate the matter.

The statement adds that all historical facts and evidence, including the Sugaull Treaty, clearly stipulate that the areas east of Kali (Mahakali) River, including Limiyadhura, Kalapani and Lipulekh are territories of Nepal.

NCP notes that this fact was reiterated by Nepal on 15 May 2015 as well in response to the Inclusion of Lipulekh Pass as a bilateral trade route without Nepal’s consent in the Joint Statement Issued during the official visit of the Prime Minister of India to China, according to the statement.

The party said it is aware of the initiative taken by the government of Nepal by proposing dates for the meeting of foreign secretaries who have been mandated by the leaders of the two countries to resolve boundary issues.

“The NCP supports this initiative of the government of Nepal to resolve boundary issues through diplomatic means taking into consideration the age-old friendly ties between the two countries,” reads the statement.

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