The value of dignified menstruation should be established to deplete all forms of discrimination: Minister Gurung

27 May 2020, Kathmandu

A webinar on dignified menstruation has accomplished on Tuesday organized by Ministry of Women, Children and Elderly Citizen in association with Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation (GSCDM) on the occasion of menstruation month and National Women Rights Day.

The seminar  was organized with the objective of enhancing public awareness to stop harmful practices related to menstruation with the theme ‘Dignified Menstruation, Menstrual Talk Dignity First” that aims to realize that ‘every individual deserve dignity during menstruation.’

In the meeting, Minister for Women, Children and Elderly Citizens Parbat Gurung stressed on that menstruation which has been established as social taboo in Nepali society, the Ministry is committed to take leadership to address the issues of dignified menstruation.

Minister Gurung urged everyone to join the global campaign to establish Nepal as the country with dignified menstruation. He also shared that lack of awareness and superstition prevalent in the society regarding menstruation has created a state of discrimination, insecurity and gender violence.

Minister Gurung also said that the Ministry has commenced to introduce policies and programs relating to dignified menstruation in a bid made by activist Radha Paudel, the founder of Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation.

Similarly, the Secretary of the Ministry Yam Kumari Khatiwada stressing on the role of male and social entities to form dignified menstruation said that the issue of menstruation is associated to health, education, industry and economic transformation so far.

In the webinar, founder of the Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation Radha Paudel has presented open letter stressing on that reducing poverty and child marriage is almost not possible without talk on dignified menstruation. Paudel also emphasized on dignified menstruation as the holistic approach to address all kinds of violence, discrimination and abuses associated with menstruation.

Likewise, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission Nepal Anup Raj Sharma stressed on open and effective discussion relating to menstruation that helps to make it more dignified. He also focused on the need to include  menstruation friendly curriculum. Similarly, Neeru Pal chair of Women and Social Committee said that ministry is committed to work simultaneously to form gender policies to address dignified menstruation.

Another speaker Guna Raj Shrestha, National Coordinator of Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) stressed on the need for developing menstruation friendly curriculum. Shrestha also shared that the manufacturing of sanitary pads should be made essential as other 44 industrial list to be included.

Manju Yadav, provincial assembly member talked on ‘COVID-19 , dignified menstruation and Madhesi Women’ stressing on that social and cultural discrimination not only exist in the western Nepal but also across the country. She also urged that Madhesi women are more likely to confront discriminatory behavior during menstruation so far.

In the program which was moderated by Samikshhya Koirala, parlimentarian Parbati Bisunkhe, Dr. Bindhya Pande, Dr. Bimala Rai, activist Mahesh Nepali, Bandana Rana among others including around 400 participants from 20 countries were participated.

Prior to this, Ministry of Women, Chidren and Elder Citizen has set to organize the workshop seminar from May 26 to 28, 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Ministry has organized the webinar accordingly.





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