Saturday, September 7th, 2024

Traffic lights to be installed in three places of Lalitpur

Lalitpur, Feb 6, 2018

Preparation is underway to install traffic lights in three places of Lalitpur district.

Earlier, there was not a single traffic light in the entire Lalitpur district, shared Metropolis Traffic Police Lalitpur Chief Sitaram Hachhethu.

As per the plan, the traffic lights are to be set up in front of Alka Hospital and Minister Quarter Pulchowk and at Kandevtasthan, Kupandole.

The traffic light installation is to be carried out in collaboration with the Lalitpur Metropolis. He said the traffic light was essential in the areas to manage the movement of vehicles and people on the busy road.

“The setup of lights will ease both traffic and driver”, he further said, adding that the system will also help reduce road accidents.


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