Virtual Press Meet to address International homophobia,biphobia and transphobia day 2020 accomplished

16 May 2020, Kathmandu

A virtual press meeting to argue of COVID-19 effect on LGBTIQ+ community and disseminate information regarding international day against homophobia biphobia and transphobia 2020 has accomplished on Saturday organized by Mitini Nepal, an NGO working on lesbian, bisexual and transgender women rights.

International day against homophobia biphobia and transphobia started to observe since 2004 May 17 is being celebrated this year with the theme “Breaking the silence”. In the meeting which has started with the introduction of participants, Executive director of Mitini Nepal Sarita KC stressed on the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on LGBTI community. KC urged that the global pandemic has directly affect on LGBTI community especially the daily wage earners and migrants belongs to the community.

She also shared that though government has taken flexible initiation by distributing relief packages to the needy, however due to the presence of strong identical document like citizenship especially the trans community are facing problems to get access to those packages. “Government should work for those who became jobless due to the lockdown and state role is crucial to address such problems adding social security especially for the vulnerable sections of society.”- she added.

She also informed that Mitini Nepal is going to celebrate the International day against homophobia biphobia and transphobia 2020 tomorrow through virtual discussion with women ministry, UN women, National Human Right Commission, Civil Society representatives and the frontline LGBTI activist along with the policy makers if possible.

In the next session of the press meet, jorunalists belong to different media outlets raised their queries which have been addressed by Mitini Nepal executive director Sarita KC and the founder president Laxmi Ghalan simultaneously. Ghalan has explained the current situation faced by LGBTI community inside the country and abroad during the pandemic  and shared that Mitini Nepal has been introducing emergency relief fund to help the community so far.

The meeting concluded with the thanking remarks by Ghalan stressing on that government should execute strong mechanism by monitoring the real situation of relief packages and soon introduced the post lockdown packages even including the LGBTI community in its policies and programs.






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