Ratnanagar, Chitwan, Jan 6, 2018: Counting of water birds began in country’s various wetlands from today. The counting aims to make a new strategy for the protection of the bird by finding out its status.
A report to be prepared after this process will be present to bodies at the decision making level, according to Nepal Bird Conservation chief ornithologist Dr Hem Sagar Baral. The bird counting will run until January 21 and 300 human resources including volunteers and ornithologists have been deployed to undertake the task.
The first day of birds’ calculation covers Shuklaphanta and Koshi Tappu areas while the process will start in other areas at convenient time. In Chitwan, it will take place within a next few days, according to ornithologist and Bird Education Society Chitwan former chair Basu Bidari. .
Five lakes incorporated in the Ramsar list will be included in the counting of water birds this time. They are Bishajari Lake ( Chitwan), Jagadishpur Lake ( Kapilvastu and Fewa Lake ( Pokhara), among others. Last time, a total of 10,032 water birds were counted in Chitwan -based wetland areas, 1,128 less from the previous time.