Mars photos of moons Phobos and Deimos revealed by NASA Odyssey

Feb 25, 2018

NASA’s Mars Odyssey has captured new footage of moons, Phobos and Deimos, from 19 images taken by the THERMIS camera, which reveal ground-breaking photos from up to 12,222 miles away.

The images used to make the video were captured using visible-wavelength light so that the human eye can view the footage.

The THERMIS camera is a feature of the orbiter Mars Odyssey.

NASA explained how the video was created, saying: “The apparent motion is due to progression of the camera’s pointing during the 17-second span of the February 15, 2018, observation, not from motion of the two moons.”

The latest footage is the second observation of Phobos by Mars Odyssey.

The first was on September 29, 2017.


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