Feb 2, 2018
- The Netherlands
The Netherlands cannot fail to appear in this list given its promiscuity in matters touching on sex. Some people refer to the Netherlands as the home of beauties where hottest ladies reside. True to that, the government seems not to be concerned with issues of sex. In this country, it is in the record that there exist minimal rules and regulations governing sex that are next to null. Within the country are prostitutes who do the sex work as a profession without fear of facing the wrath of the law.
To add to that, there are bodies that advocates for the rights of the sex workers and unions to that look into their well-being. Furthermore, the sex workers are considered for insurance coverage by insurance firms in the Netherlands- a fact that proves the legality of the practice, hence making Netherlands one of the few sex free counties.
- Germany
Germany must appear in the list of the top 10 sex free countries for it to be complete. History of Germany’s stand on matters of free sex is not a recent occurrence as it dates back in the late 20s. The legalization of the prostitution and sex workers was signed in 1927. As a result, the number of prostitutes and sex workers has been rising gradually to date. However, to ensure the safety of the sex workers, it is in the record that the government has involved some of the professionals’ sex health insurance firms within the country that cater for the insurance needs of the sex workers society.
Do you intend to have a sexual life vacation freely without facing court penalties and sentences? Germany is among the perfect destinations to consider. The country always receives many citizens from other parts of the world who are on a sex life enjoyment mission in terms of tourism.
- Ecuador
The only illegal thing relating to sex in Ecuador is forced sex, the rest is free or legal at all levels. In Ecuador, sex is taken normal irrespective of who does it at which place. For instance, some personalities identify themselves with prostitution as their main economic activity. Interesting enough, they speak of professionalism too in the field of prostitution as a job. The government, therefore, has nothing touching on the restrictions on sex as there is no law against it. Hence it remains one of the most popular sex free countries. According to most citizens, the sex issue is a normal scenario in the major cities, and this has contributed to increase in tourism activities especially for the sex-oriented non-inhabitants.
- Denmark
Denmark is another country of beauties in the world. It is believed that the level of unemployment plus the availability of the beautiful ladies has led to a cropping of another rather unpopular industry, prostitution. The Danish government absolutely has nothing in terms of restrictions against sex and sexual activities. The government is rather concerned with the welfare of all the citizens including the sex workers. Therefore, the sex workers in this country are happy and free to carry on with their business has given the non-interference from the government.
Denmark, being a free sex country, is also in records as the most visited country by international tourists who have nothing to cheer on the nature. Men and women who are up to getting their sex life raised to the next level visits Denmark, and yes, they meet their expectations.
- Bangladesh
Even though Bangladesh features in the list of the sex free countries, the condition here can be termed as partially-free. This is because female prostitution is overlooked at a time when male prostitution is legalised. The only question that would linger in one’s mind is how to legalise males’ sex activities and leaving out females. This is because for the action to take place the two must get involved. Therefore, Bangladesh is considered in this list given that the males who are legalised to conduct sex freely. as a result, this would ultimately get the females along. Being a sex free country has made Bangladesh a perfect destination for the sex-oriented tourists who are after enjoying their sex life.
- Austria
In Austria, any activity relating to business is a government’s venture of making revenue through taxation. For this reason, even sex activities including prostitution are avenues for the government to make money, hence legal. The country has legalized sex as a profession without restrictions apart from the initial procedures of getting proven to be a sex worker. For instance, one has to undergo and pass certain medical examinations prior to attaining a license to be a sex worker. Besides, upon validation, the sex worker is required to remit a given amount as tax. This is because the business is considered legal just like the others, hence the need to pay tax.
However, the record has it that the government’s non-interference with sex workers and prostitution in Austria has led to forced prostitution and smuggling. This is, for instance, against the human rights provisions and a time put the government in a fix. All in all, sex is free in Austria.
- Australia
Australia is not so different from Austria when it comes to matters to do with sex and prostitution. Just like Austria, in Australia, no one would mind your sex life pertaining to what you have been doing. The same implies to what you are doing, or what you are planning to do in line with sex life. However, even though there are no restrictions, there exists some modernity especially for the new entrants in the field of sex work. Having said so, it is known that in some parts of the country of Australia, sex workers and prostitutes have total legal rights to do their business in their own way without interruptions from the government. This makes Australia one of the most visited countries by the sexually active tourists.
- France
France falls within the free sex countries even though the government has outlaid some regulations governing the sex workers. To begin with, despite the fact that there is free sex, soliciting in public places is outlawed in France. To add to that, brothels and pimping are also illegal and were outlawed back in 1946. However, anyone who can adhere to the simple regulations have the rest to himself/herself in so far as sex and prostitution is concerned. Within the mega towns and cities are professional and known sex workers who earn their livelihoods that way. Having said that, France becomes one of the sex free but controlled countries in the world.
- Indonesia
In Indonesia, the government completely has nothing to do with regards to sex laws. In short, there are no outstanding regulations or law touching on the modernity of sex. With regards to this, the country is among the most renowned for free and ungoverned sex. The sex workers and prostitutes in Indonesia enjoy the liberty accorded to them by default so are the beneficiaries from other countries who visit as tourists. However, just like other free sex countries, forced sex or forced prostitution is illegal and punishable. Besides, free will dominates the uncontrolled sex and sexual behaviors in the country both to the citizens and non-citizens.
- New Zealand
Besides the beauty of its nature, New Zealand also has beautiful ladies that the world cherishes. It is the latest country to realize that government’s involvement in matters of sex can never limit the occurrence but rather increase the occurrence illegally. In the year 2003, prostitution underwent legalization making the country a free sex country. However, the participation of sex by either the sex workers or the prostitutes must propel within the framework of health laws and employment laws. With regards to this, the sex workers are accorded similar benefits that befall other employees in other sectors.
In case you are out for uninterrupted and unhindered sex life, you can consider New Zealand. The sex workers are free to operate at liberty without government’s interference. The status of sex openness is the reason behind the popularity of this country in the tourism arena.